About me
I graduated from the Ensimag (engineering school in applied mathematics and computer science) in 2015.
I then obtained my PhD in applied mathematics in 2018 at the Jean Kuntzmann Laboratory in Grenoble, France. I was under the supervision of Dominique Attali, Quentin Mérigot and Boris Thibert and worked on solving inverse problems arising in optics using methods based on semi-discrete optimal transport and tools from computational geometry (such as Laguerre and Power diagrams). The manuscript can be found here. The figure below illustrates one of the problems I worked on.

I was also a postdoctoral researcher at the LIRIS laboratory under the supervision of Tristan Roussillon. I worked on improving plane-probing algorithms for estimating normal vectors on digital planes and digital surfaces.

I was an IT consultant at Adentis until September 2023 when I joined Eaton as an embedded Linux software engineer.
Some of the programs I have developed can be found on my GitHub page and my resume can be found in English or in French.
On a less serious side, I'm quite interested in the Japanese language, click here if you want to know more.